
As a technology-driven organisation, Benden Technology is happy to discuss and undertake projects in any sphere of activity. Our approach is straightforward: we listen carefully to your requirements, assess how best we can bring value to your project, then provide an honest summary. If we can’t help then we will say so – we believe that openness is the best policy and have no desire to do anything but work of the highest standard.

However, there are certain areas in which we can demonstrate a particularly strong track record. In many cases, we have internal reference designs to meet common requirements or can offer to license complete products.

Broadcast Audio

Benden Technology engineers have decades of experience in the broadcast audio industry. Our designs continue to be highly successful in the marketplace, with healthy unit shipments and long sales lifetimes. We understand studio technology, the broadcast chain and the paramount importance of reliability and fidelity. Previous projects range from tiny control modules through outside broadcast equipment all the way up to mixing consoles and audio de-embedders. We are also familiar with integrating DanteTM interfaces for holders of the appropriate licences.

Of note is our understanding of the niche communication protocols used in broadcasting, such as timecode and the Audio Description Studio Signal. We have even helped to evolve new protocols, such as the Invisidot2 system, which is based on an extended ADSS format.

Broadcast Audio

Professional Audio

Sharing many of the requirements of broadcasting, professional audio extends into the areas of recorded sound, public address and installed audio.

Our portfolio includes ultra-low-noise microphone preamplifiers, compressor/limiters and distribution amplifiers in freestanding, rackmount and API500 formats. Again, DanteTM is of increasing relevance.

Professional Audio

Music Technology

Benden Technology personnel have a keen interest in music technology, from synthesis through to processing and control techniques. Although many of the fundamental circuit techniques are shared with broadcast and professional audio, we understand the unique demands of selling into the consumer music market – the aesthetic considerations, need for differentiation, cost pressures and (dare we say it) occasional lack of rationality!

We believe that there is a fertile area between the unashamedly vintage and the wholly cutting-edge that is yet to be fully explored, and are already working with clients to do so. A particular speciality is in hybrid analogue/digital designs.

For upgrades and restoration of vintage music technology equipment, please also visit our subsidiary Benden Sound Technology.

Music Technology

System Control and Monitoring

As end users demand increasing sophistication from products, so the majority of new designs include at least some degree of intelligent control.

Benden Technology has extensive interfacing experience, both internal (between circuit blocks) and inter-unit via Ethernet, USB, serial or proprietary protocols.

We can program microcontrollers to deliver intuitive user interfaces, attractive displays and sophisticated control functionality.


System Control and Monitoring